Rector IHE-Delft, and Professor “Water & Climate”, VU-University, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Executive Director
Director of Civiltà dell’Acqua International Centre, and Project manager of the Water Museum of Venice, Italy.
Founder of the Living Waters Museum.
Director of the National Water Museum of China (Hangzhou).
Director of the Museum for the Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
Internal Auditor
Manager, Heritage Resource Management , Hamilton, Canada
Director of the Division of Water Sciences, and Secretary of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (UNESCO)
Director of Public Relations and Customers Division, SOMES Water Company, Romania.
Executive Board Member at Águas e Energia do Porto, Portugal
Director of the Water Museum “Agua para siempre!”, Tehuacán, Puebla, México and Director of Education of Alternativas y Procesos de Participación Social.
Director of the Public Institution Aquatika – Freswater Aquarium Karlovac, Croatia
Chairman of MIO-ECSDE, UNESCO Chair holder (University of Athens), and driving force of the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD, Greece.
Former Chief of the Ecohydrology, Water Quality and Water Education Section in the Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO-IHP, France
Expert in water governance and access to safe drinking water in Africa. Senior project manager, Morocco
Consultant in Water Management and Citizen Science at PULSAQUA, and researcher at the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
Director of UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Professor of History of Architecture and Urban Planning; UNESCO Chair holder ‘Water, Ports and Historic Cities’, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
Senior Lecturer in Design at the University of Algarve, researcher at the University of Lisbon, and designer, Portugal
Seasoned film and picture researcher with 50 years of expertise in science and history. Founder of ‘Let’s Talk About Water’ and ‘Mayors Make Movies’
Independent consultant, and Coordinator of the Ramsar Culture Network, United Kingdom.
Senior Programme Specialist in Natural Sciences, Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme, UNESCO
Hydronomist and geographer, Research Director at IRD, Research Institute for Development, France.
Professor of Anthropology, and UNESCO Chair holder ‘Water and Culture’, University of the Republic, Uruguay.
UNESCO Chair holder 'Fleuves et Patrimoine' (River Culture) and Professor in Aquatic Restoration Ecology, University of Strasbourg, France.
Distinguished Professor at Hubei University, and President of the China Institute of Yangtze River Cultural Studies, China.
Director of Lisbon Water Museum, Portugal.
Past President of the Scientific Committee of ICOMOS-ICICH (Intangible Cultural Heritage), scholar, journalist, artist, designer, Finland.
Head of Education Department of Yaku Water Museum and Park, Quito, Ecuador.
Professor of Human Geography, and Past UNESCO Chair holder ‘Water, Heritage and Sustainable Development’, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
Art Director
Environmental Artist, Webby Awards Winner, Italy
Web site manager, designer, and content creator
Web site designer and developer
Programme and Communications Manager and Project Manager of The Water We Want
With a PhD in Museum Studies from the University of Leicester, UK, Lucrezia is currently a Research Associate at the University of Glasgow on the AHRC Place-based Research Programme.
Financial Management