The questionnaire linked to the 1st training course organised by the UNESCO Chair “Water, Heritage and Sustainable Development” (University of Venice Ca’ Foscari) is ONLINE!
The title of the course is “Beyond Museums. Tools for promoting the natural and cultural water heritage”, and it will run, once a week, from mid October 2021 to mid January 2022.
For accessing the questionnaire, click HERE.
If you are interested to participate in the online course, or give your feedback, please complete the questionnaire.
By filling in the questionnaire, you will be able to pre-register for the training course by sending your CV and a motivation letter to Sara Luchetta (sara.luchetta@unive.it).
For more information about the course, see the PROGRAMME OUTLINE and the KEY INFORMATION SHEET.
For clarifications and requests, get in touch with Sara Luchetta (sara.luchetta@unive.it)