The Global Network of Water Museums and Culture For Causes Network (C4C) are pleased to announce their intention to develop a partnership focused on the theme of water. Both organizations share the belief that understanding and preserving water ecosystems and heritage is crucial for building a sustainable way of life. Recognizing that significant efforts are still needed to raise awareness on this critical issue, particularly in the digital realm, they have decided to launch their joint initiatives during MuseumWeek 2024 in celebration of #WaterMW day on 8th June. More info about the cooperation will be released later this year.
MuseumWeek is an annual event that takes place on social media, with the goal of promoting museums and cultural institutions around the world. During MuseumWeek, museums and cultural institutions, in general, share content on their favourite social media platforms and organise special events in their venue. Since 2014 MuseumWeek has grown to include over 60,000 participants from 100+ countries. It has become the official international week of museums, backed by UNESCO. Museum Week runs over 7 days, with 7 themes and 7 hashtags.
The Global Network of Water Museum will be taking part in the initiatives with dedicated Instagram content inspired by The Voices of Water, our recent immersive multi-channel installation at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali.
You are invited to join us for Water Day on 8 June. Use the hashtags #WamunetMW and #WaterMW, and we will repost your content on our Instagram profile.
Join us in raising awareness about the invaluable work that water museums do to protect water heritage and promote a new water culture.
Official hashtags: