The collaboration between the Global Network of Water Museums and nine institutional partners (Kingdom of the Netherlands, Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO, Netherlands National IHP-HWRP Committee, UNESCO Chair at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, IHE Delft, NICHE, IGRAC Living Water Museums and the Musée des Egouts of Paris) resulted in the design of the project 'Valuing Ancient Water Cultures – An inspiring source of innovations for Sustainable Water Management’.
The project will be presented at the UN-Water Summit on Groundwater (Paris, 6-8 Dec.) and consists of three activities:
- a side-event (6 December from 12 to 1pm – Venue: Room XI) involving experts from different disciplines that will discuss how traditional knowledge, techniques, and social management of groundwater represent an inspiring source of innovations for future resilience planning
- a visit to the Musée des Egouts de Paris (6 December)
- an exhibition (Vernissage: 7 December at 4pm, in conjunction with the official coffee break of the Summit). Eight case studies from Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America highlight how ancient hydro-technologies can contribute to the targets of the UN’s SDGs
The three activities aim at providing answers to questions like: how can ancient groundwater management and practices inspire institutions and policy makers to address the current sustainability challenges? What lessons do ancestral hydro-technologies offer for future resilience planning?
The planned activities aim at stressing the relevance of ancient groundwater management practices and farsighted visions to foster new ideas for future resilience planning and highlight the role that water museums play to make ‘the invisible visible’.
The Summit program is available here
All side-events and sessions will be held in hybrid modality.
To join online meetings, the registration through the WHOVA platform is mandatory.
To complete your registration (for free) click here
Only registered participants will be able to participate to all sessions of the Summit simply by clicking on TITLES of the selected side-event scrolling down the online program.
Have a look at the Webinar at the following link