The Global Network of Water Museums is pleased to announce the winners of the 3rd Edition of The Water We Want. Every year, the International Youth Contest and Award invites students between the ages of 6 and 18 to be the storytellers of our liquid futures.
This year, the Global Network received almost one hundred works among drawings, photos, videos and songs. The water museums played a vital role in bringing the topic of water awareness to the schools and inviting students and teachers to reflect on their water heritage.
All the works shortlisted by the museum members and submitted to the Global Network of Water Museums feature in the online digital exhibition The Water We Want 2022. You can find the full gallery at thewaterwewant.watermuseums.net.
The six winners of the 3rd Edition of The Water We Want are:
DRAWINGS: 6 -12 y
The Rainbow Farm by Ayaan Jariwala, Manthan Educational Programme Society, India. Submitted by Living Waters Museum.
DRAWINGS: 13-18 y
Untitled by Mohamed Bayo, Imam Al Boukhari Qualifying High School, Morocco. Submitted by Musée Mohammed VI – Aman, Marrakech.
PHOTOS: 6 -12 y
Past and Present on the River by Fran Sušilović, Primary School Mahično, Karlovac, Croatia. Submitted by Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac.
PHOTOS: 13-18 y
The Village Fountain by Denisa Mihaela Filip, “Alexandru Borza” Technological High School, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Submitted by Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
OTHER MEDIA: 6 -12 y
Plastic by Plastic, We Clean the Water of the River! by Carla Caires, Mª Clara Lourenço, Sara Trindade.Academia de Música Costa Cabral, Porto, Portugal.Submitted by Museu Da Água Lisboa.
OTHER MEDIA: 13-18 y
Venice Is a Fish by 4^D. Secondary school ITCS “Maria Lazzari” of Dolo, Italy. Submitted by River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme.
You can see the proclamation of the six winners at the following link.
The Global Network also awarded 7 Special Mentions. Please download the Press Release to see the complete list of Winners and Special Mentions of the 3rd Edition of TWWW. The International Youth Contest and Award was organised by the Global Network of Water Museums with the support of the Living Waters Museum, India.
Congratulations to the six winners of this year’s edition and to all participating students, teachers and water museums!