The World Water Museum, at the moment, is been hosted in the European Interactive School DES premises in Varkiza, Athens, Greece.
From the autumn of 2018 the museum will be transported to its own space in a traditional house on the island of Hydra. It will be installed as a site specific artwork on the rocky foundations of the house where it will be permanently exhibited. Hydra will continue its objective – which is the collection of water from rivers and lakes from all over the world – alongside the other activities of the Museum.
The museums upcoming activities are as follows:
“Anhydrous Hydra”
A research journey through time to the anhydrous island with the contradictory name Hydra!
The research will begin from the ancient years of abundance of water; it will go through the water scarcity of the last millennium, up to the recent desalination solution. Discover again the wells, cisterns, tools and ways of collection, transport and water distribution with horses, mules, donkeys, boats and the impressive giant water askos.
We will record old water routes and their stories and try to create an art project based on the musicality of wells and cisterns.
“Water Oracle”
In October of each year a presentation of an artist, a scientist or an organization that has worked on issues related to water will be organized at the premises of the World Water Museum. The event will be called “Water Oracle”.